FISH-AGRO | Оборудование для разведения рыб
Технологии, проекты и оборудование для разведения рыбы в УЗВ. Рыбоводство и рыба разведение в Установках Замкнутого Водоснабжения! Тилапиа, Клариевый Сом, Осетр, Форель.

100% Fish – усиление инноваций в индустрии морепродуктов

100% Fish – усиление инноваций в индустрии морепродуктов

100% рыбная “машина”

Сегодня Исландия использует более 80% каждой рыбы, в то время как большинство рыбопромысловых стран используют около 50%. Ведущие рыбные хозяйства в Исландии объявили, что их целью является использование 100% рыбы.

Использование большего количества побочных продуктов в исландском рыболовстве, привело к созданию независимой отрасли, в которой было создано не менее 6-700 прямых рабочих мест, а их годовая стоимость превышает 500 миллионов долларов США.

Поэтому исландский Кластер морепродуктов в Исландии создал проект «100% Fish».

Данный проект разработано для обеспечения дополнительного заработка рыболовства на многих побочных продуктах, повышения ценности каждой выловленной рыбы, поддержки новых возможностей для бизнеса, увеличения занятости и сокращение отходов.

При этом сеть океанических кластеров, созданная Исландским океаническим кластером, состоит из организации океанических кластеров в США и Исландии , миссией которых через проект «100% Fish» является вдохновить индустрию морепродуктов и сообщества морепродуктов на использование большего количества каждой рыбы.

В настоящее время при поддержке инвесторов, привлеченных исландским океаническим кластером, реализуются различные проекты, направленные на использование большего количества сига, лосося и моллюсков – от создания продуктов по уходу за кожей из шкур сига до получения белка из раковин омаров.

За последние 20 лет появились новые рынки и компании, способные обрабатывать побочные продукты в различных областях, таких как: получение копченой и сухой рыбной продукции, морских добавок, косметических средств, медицинских продуктов, рыбьей кожи и других.

Iceland Fish & Ships

Iceland is all about fish and ships. Iceland´s history cannot be told without mentioning fish and ships – fish have been a dependable source of nutrition in a country with harsh conditions and fishing an integral part of life in Iceland for centuries. We are confident in saying that Iceland is the Silicon Valley of whitefish. The claim is justified by observing the abundance of entrepreneurship, cooperation and specialization that has led to a unique competitive advantage of the Icelandic fisheries sector.
The Iceland Fish & Ships project is developed to promote the range of services and products offered in the Icelandic marine sector. The purpose is to explain the success of the Icelandic fishing industry and spread awareness that Iceland has everything when it comes to fishing. The Icelandic Ocean Cluster offers assistance and guidance in finding the right channels in the sector.


Fishing Ship of Tomorrow

Fishing Ship of Tomorrow refers to knowledge and technology that Icelandic companies offer in relation to building, designing, equipping and handling fishing ships. Dozens of Icelandic companies provide these services both for the local industry and in the international market. Among them are naval engineering firms, software developers, makers of safety equipment, shipbuilders, companies making cooling solutions, firms providing environmental solutions and complete lines for seafood processing on ships.
An interesting development in this field is how many companies are now developing green technology. Icelandic companies offer environmentally sound solution and technology that contributes to greater utilization of the catch. Promoting this is the focus of the Fishing Ship of Tomorrow. Icelandic ship designers, naval engineers and processing tech companies have worked closely with domestic fisheries on developing new exceptional designing of fishing vessels. Fuel and energy efficiency and new propeller design are other examples.
A substantial part of the export of Iceland comes from companies providing technology for ships and fish processing. Among the products that Icelandic companies offer for ships and are sold worldwide are processing and cooling lines, electric trawl winches, controllable trawl doors and communication equipment.


Seafood Processing Technology

In Seafood Processing Technology the emphasis is on the broad line of products and solutions companies from Iceland offer for seafood processing such as fish processing lines, equipment for drying, cooling and packing. This is a field where Icelandic companies are quite established and a few are industry leaders. A significant part of the turnover of these companies comes from their business with foreign customers. Domestic fisheries have also played a part in the recent strong growth of these companies by investing in new fishing and processing equipment.
Many Icelandic companies export these kind of services and products. They provide complete processing lines, fish drying equipment, canning machinery, cooling technology, packaging goods, pallets and tubs. Recently growth in companies selling processing lines and cooling technology has been especially strong.
Companies in processing technology are of diverse sizes, everywhere from giants on a global scale to self-employed entrepreneurs. Most of these companies stress the importance of research and development, innovation and cooperating with other firms in the sector. Their varied products and services and extensive cooperation mean that they have capacity to take on large scale projects for customers worldwide.

100% Fish

100% Fish presents the range of products made out of fish in Iceland. Seafood, supplements, medical products and design are made out of fish and fish parts. Included in these products is the traditional business of providing seafood but a lot of innovation is happening in Iceland with regards to how fish is utilized and new products are being made from this development.
The thought behind 100% Fish is to display how great a part of the catch is utilized in Iceland and how little is wasted. This is possible because of improved processing and handling and through research and development with regards to providing new products out of parts previously considered waste. Dried heads and bones of fish are a prime example of this. Tons of these products are now made and exported each year out of materials previously wasted. Icelandic companies develop supplements, proteins, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and other high-value products from different parts of the fish.






Research & Development


Consulting & Other Services

Sales and Marketing

Fisheries Management




Prosperity in Iceland for the past century is substantially derived from exporting fish. Quality of seafood is therefore essential to the Icelandic seafood industry. The clean cold ocean around the country presents an abundance of pure nutrients and clean food for its fish stocks. Once caught the fish are handled with latest technology and methods. By precise handling the quality of the catch is secured and a first-rate product is sold. A variety of fish are caught and sold from Iceland although cod is by far the most important one both in volume and value. Concentrated efforts have gone into product development with the cod, recent efforts have especially gone into use of byproducts formerly thrown away. 

Seafood Companies: Icelandic, Iceland Seafood, Brim Seafood, Samherji, Frosti, ThorFish, Haustak, Visir, Opal, Blamar, Isfelagid, Skinney-Thinganes, IceFreshSeafood

Alternative Marine Products: Lysi, Zymetech, Atlantic LeatherAnkra, True Westfjords, Valfoss, Protis



For further information please contact the Iceland Ocean Cluster: sjavarklasinn [at] / tel. +354 577 6200. 


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